Thursday 27 February 2014

Do Digital Displays Distract Drivers?

distracting digital billboards  ADTI Media

Digital billboards are no more distracting to drivers than normal stationary signs, according to the results of an FHA study looking at driver distractions.

With less costs, more flexibility and better visibility to viewers, digital signage advertising on outdoor billboards is growing in marketable ways.

Read more at the link.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Why Digital Displays Are the New Future of Advertising

benefits digital billboards  ADTI Media

Advertisers love the benefits of digital billboards. The ability to display new content on a rotating daily basis, and show top content to targeted audiences at peak times during the day. Good tips for advertisers and marketers. 

ADTI Media provides LED-lit digital panels and displays for highway signs, paneled installations and digital walls. Contact ADTI Media for more information on dynamic digital billboards.