Tuesday 30 September 2014

What is the Best Way to Stimulate Unplanned Consumer Shopping?

advertising and spotaneous buysing  ADTI Media

Outdoor dynamic LED signs utilize bright eye catching graphics and customizable messaging to target specific consumers. This is the best way to stimulate spontaneous purchases by consumers who pass by your front door.

With an outdoor dynamic LED sign, your business will benefit from an increase in unplanned and impulsive purchases by consumers passing by your front door. At ADTI Media, we are committed to developing and delivering innovative outdoor LED displays that meet your business’s unique needs. Visit our website at http://adtimedia.com/ and contact our professionals at 951-795-4446.


Friday 26 September 2014

Why Are Advertising Budgets Moving to Outdoor Media

best advertising methods  ADTI Media

Businesses are reallocating their advertising budgets from ineffective traditional media to outdoor digital media, in an effort to obtain a better return on their investment.

ADTI Media is an industry leading developer and manufacturer of innovative outdoor LED displays. We specialize in retrofitting existing outdoor signs and new installations. Click here http://adtimedia.com/ for more information on the ADTI Media SkyPanel. And, call us at 951-795-4446 to speak with one of our representatives.


Wednesday 17 September 2014

Schools Choose to Go "New School” to get Their Message Out

LED outdoor advertising  ADTI Media

Schools are using outdoor LED dynamic digital signs to communicate with students, faculty and the community. And, they are finding this new technology tool more effective for getting the message out.

Click here http://adtimedia.com/ to learn more about ADTI Media’s SkyPanel digital displays.


Wednesday 10 September 2014

Do Not Miss Out on “Back to school” Shopping

An outdoor LED digital sign is a key tool in enticing spontaneous unplanned visits to your store. Don't miss out on major merchandising opportunities like back to school. Incorporate a dynamic digital sign into your marketing plan.

Click here http://adtimedia.com/ to learn more about ADTI Media’s SkyPanel digital displays.
